I enjoyed this book tremendously, but I'm not going to lie. Some parts of it was extremely draggy and Mac's internal monologue was way too long. But the rest of the book was amazing. I totally did no see some of the twists coming.Some general thoughts/spoilers- I'm a bit disappointed we still don't really know what Barrons and his men really are. Other than the fact that they cannot die and turn into animals with day/night modes. Who? How? Why??Rowena - I'm so glad that bitch got what she deserved. Ugh.V'lane/Cruce - That traitor!!! o____o Also, I keep having images of Ulquiorra when Cruce's true form is described.Dani being Alina's killer - Did not see that coming at all! My heart broke for Dani. :( All the more reason to be glad Rowena was killed off!