2.5 starsCan I just say I really dislike the fern/grass thing they use to brand every Entangled Covet book? It looks awful.I liked [b:Obsession|14060046|Obsession (Arum, #1)|Jennifer L. Armentrout|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1368003139s/14060046.jpg|19696664] a bit more than Armentrout's other adult books and that's probably due to my fondness for the Lux universe. Despite that, it also felt more drawn out than it needed to be. Sure this book had quite a few hot scenes the plot was just cookie-cutter paranormal. Your typical broody alpha male and a sometimes TSTL heroine...other than that, it was a quick read.And I think I need to lay off reading JLA's books for a bit. All her characters are starting to sound the same to me. o__o