31 Following


An avid reader who likes to mess around with various art mediums in her spare time.

Currently reading

Emma, Vol. 01
Kaoru Mori, 森 薫
The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making
Ana Juan, Catherynne M. Valente
Jay Kristoff
Magic Rises
Ilona Andrews
Magic Rises (Kate Daniels, #6)
Ilona Andrews

Mr. Real: Code of Shadows: Book 1

Mr. Real: Code of Shadows: Book 1 (Volume 1) - Carolyn Crane Huge letdown. I LOVED the Disillustionist trilogy and was very eager to read Carolyn's new book. Sadly, it didn't meet my expectations at all and they weren't very high to begin with because I've read some early not-so-glowing reviews. If my flight wasn't delayed for 3 hours+ I probably would never have finished this. I couldn't relate to/like Alix, Paul or Sir Kendall at all.