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An avid reader who likes to mess around with various art mediums in her spare time.

Currently reading

Emma, Vol. 01
Kaoru Mori, 森 薫
The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making
Ana Juan, Catherynne M. Valente
Jay Kristoff
Magic Rises
Ilona Andrews
Magic Rises (Kate Daniels, #6)
Ilona Andrews

Fruits Basket Volume 1: v. 1

Fruits Basket, Vol. 1 - Natsuki Takaya NOTE: This is a review for the entire series (vol.1-23)Fruits Basket is one of the BEST manga I've ever had the privilege to read and I've read countless series over the years, be it shoujo, shounen, josei, or other genres.At first glance, this series is your typical shoujo manga, the genki girl who meets the hot guys and circumstances made them housemates. As the story unfolds, you find out that not everything is as it seems and there is a darker theme underlying the cheery surface. I came into this after watching the anime adaption and while the studio did a nice job of adapting it (almost everything from the anime is from the original manga material, albeit swapped around to make it fit better), it completely omits the dark parts.Apart from the main characters, the rest of them are also lovable and wonderfully eccentric. The author gives each of them their own 'screen time' instead of focusing solely on the main characters and leaving the secondary ones just for show like a bunch of other mangas do. The rich characters really add to the story's funny/touching moments. I really can't say much else because Fruits Basket is an amazing manga that you have to read for yourself to experience it. :)