Okay, so I made a mistake and read EE6 I and II before reading this. *head desk* By the time I realized my mistake I was already halfway into EE6 I and then THAT ending happened and I moved on to part II. Beneath the Surface is a meaty little novella and was a great read. It has the classic humor and funny banter between characters I've come to anticipate in the Emperor's Edge books. Of course, the gang made things explode and generally caused a ruckus as always. I'm very glad Sargent Yara, or better known as Evrial in this novella got her own POV. There wasn't much time to get to know her as I would like since the series was already hurtling towards the end but it was nice to get her take on things, short as they may be. I did find the use of Evrial a little distracting/confusing because she was referred to as just Yara in the other books. I've even come to think that was her first name. One of the other things that bothered me was the discrepancy between Amarenthe's portrayal in this and EE6. She was so...cheery and barely showed signs of the traumatic events she endured in EE5. Being tortured by Pike and the Forge baddies. In EE6 she had trouble sleeping and had nightmares and such. Perhaps it didn't really sink in yet? I don't know.